Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

the arizona clan (vampire)

talking about the arizona clan, that means we talking about the Cullens. yeah, the Cullens. they're so happening nowadays. especially Edward Cullen, one of the member of the Cullens. i think he's the most adorable vampire in that clan (or... what do you think?). but i think Carlisle is great, too. ohmygod, i wish he is my father HAHAHAHA i know that is just my dream. i think it's great to be a doctor if you are vampire. he has been doctor about 300 years. W-O-W. the arizona clan call themselves as 'vegetarian' (the denali clan, too), because they only drink animal blood. talking about the girls in the arizona clan, i prefer Alice to others. yeah i know even Esme is a kind woman, too. but i love Alice hehe. i think she is a dream sister hehe. because i dont have sister HAHAHA. i love the arizona clan soooo much. i wish i am one of them hahahahah. okay, i gotta go now byyeeeeee

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